Saturday 14 February 2015

nervous excitement

i will be going to europe in march.
my flight takes off in exactly 32 days.
i am wildly excited and nervous at the same time
and it makes my stomach go all crampy on me.

piccadilly circus

this is the first vacation in which i am actively planning everything.
accommodation, transport, itinerary, where to eat, where to pray.
overwhelming? yes.

it's a brand new continent, FOUR countries that i have never been to.
i don't even speak the language of three of them.
and i get to plan everything.
overwhelming? yes.

but also exhilarating.

amsterdam canals
dancing building at damrak


fyi, i've always loved old buildings.
which is why i'm terribly excited.
london, amsterdam, and paris have so many of them.

i don't understand architecture.
never did, probably never will.
but i've loved the structure of them:
buildings built in times where there aren't cranes like we have today.
how defiant, sturdy, strong they are
to hold themselves upright for generations.

this is why i've loved melaka and penang so dearly.
the red bricks of a'famosa and streets of georgetown.
they felt old and comfy.

jungfrau, eiger, monch
from schilthorn


and with views like these, wouldn't you be excited?
i am. 

of course, there are tonnes of things that could go wrong.
we are going at the end of march.
spring is only beginning, it might still be wet, cold, and snowy.

it might rain on us, soaking wet, all the time in london.
keukenhof might not have any tulips blooming just yet, like it did in 2013.
schilthorn might be too cloudy and we wouldn't be able to see the alps.
and paris.. well, paris had the charlie hebdo thing we have to deal with.

but right now, i'm hoping and praying that everything goes well.
because who knows if i'll ever have enough money to do this again.

insanely famous
eiffel tower

that's the dream.