Saturday 29 November 2014

compilation of selfies

20/11/14 - 26/11/14.

7 days,
over 1000 kilometers.

yes, i was in the land down under.
according to google, we covered 1931 km on land.
from arau, perlis to danga bay, jb, it is only 812 km.
just how tiny semenanjung malaysia is.

i will cover the whole story in subsequent posts, but right now
let me take a selfie!

since that time i learned how to hold a dslr properly,
i am doomed to the fact that 
i will never have a pretty picture in front of any famous landmarks.

i rarely take selfies, i don't find that i look good that close to a camera lol.
but i guess this is an exception.

so that leaves me and my phone.
not even a monopod since i find them bulky.
just me and my good ol' hands, then.

at the moment when i realized that i'm never getting a good picture unless i selfie.
this is on the freeway to canberra.
stopped over to change drivers and snap pics.

house of parliament,
quick quiz: what's the capital city of australia? :P

where i jumped out of bed into the beach to take really awesome sunrise pics.

only picture i took with the motorhome.
a Britz 6-berth Frontier.

where we took a wrong turn to Bondi Beach
and end up on the most amazing coastal view.

(we ended up just passing by Bondi Beach,
because, well, it's just another beach with bikini-clad ladies.
other than the bikini-clad ladies, we have beaches in Malaysia.)

with a big motorhome comes parking problems.
we ended up parking far away,
but we also got this view of Sydney Opera House
with the Harbour Bridge in tow :)

(with every difficulty comes blessing, shown twice in a day)

Sydney Opera House
(that looks like a grimace, sorry lol)

Darling Harbour

Koala Hospital, Port Macquarie
yes koalas need hospital too

that is the famous Byron Bay, folks
it's cold up here

sea world is really more interesting than it seems.

black me with cute penguins

in which my excitement gets really embarrassing
but i'm too excited to feel an ounce of embarrassment

movie world

the ride that will be the cause of your death

the exact moment when batman charmed me
can't see it here, but he actually wrapped his arm around me
yeah, i wish i was joking

a convert.


we hunted for this sign.

that awesome moment when a baby lamb took a wefie with you

i wish to know how you made that sleeping position seems so comfy, mr koala

in which i got a kiss from a sheep.
thank God i am not squeamish

that time we went back into movie world on another day because i haven't taken enough pictures
and that's not a joke.
do notice i'm wearing a different tudung here, lol

that's it folks,
i promise that next posts will be less of me.


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