Saturday 6 December 2014

aussie pt 5 - port macquarie & byron bay


so very tempting.

where we parked our motorhome #3

so many activities that they offer
but we did none because we were there for less than 12 hours

stopped over at an art flea market of some sorts

of course i bought a book
this was just a dollar

koala hospital
-- where they nurse sick/injured koalas

list of patients in koala hospital
my dad insisted on this picture

byron bay

that is a proton savvy, people

byron bay lighthouse

that layer of blue in the middle is really interesting

crazy moment #2

at first i was like 'kangaroo jerky?? what does a kangaroo taste like?'
and after that 'halal ke tak.. erkk.'
kangaroos are not endangered, so you can eat them, yes.

jauh perjalanan banyak serangga terkorban

we always spend sunsets in the motorhome,
driving to the next destination.
this day was the same,
but the next day won't be
since we'll be in gold coast for 3 days!

port macquarie was just a small town
but the place where we parked our motorhome for the night was lovely.

we stopped over at a koala hospital
look at recuperating koalas
the biggest threat to their health is MVA - motor vehicle accident
and also infections like chlamydiosis
and bush fires.

saw a koala being fed low lactose milk - they're lactose-intolerant
in fact upon googling, i found out that they have a low calorie diet, 
which is why they sleep all the time.
it's not because they're lazy,
but they're very cute anyhow :3

this is a day basically spent in the motorhome
drove hours to get to coffs harbour
we only passed through and i didn't even get to take a picture
but the view was beautiful

drove another few hours to get to byron bay,
and, this is one of the places along our journey that made me say 'subhanallah'
just.. breathtaking.

the wind was cold up there,
the greens reminiscent of tea plantations in cameron
the sky a dull grey
and when my aunt commented, 'the sea wasn't blue like the one we saw in sydney yesterday'
my immediate response was
'it's because the sky is grey, the sea reflects the colour of the sky'
iyelaaahhh tu smarty pants :P
i'm not sure whether that's correct,
but i'm pretty sure i've heard of that somewhere.

i don't mind the grey sky
people in photography are crazy about blue skies
but i'm crazy for rain, so grey skies are always welcomed
sure, blue skies are pretty awesome
but grey skies set the mood

after that we walked around the byron bay town
wanted to buy something but couldn't find anything interesting
so off we went, to gold coast.

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