Monday 8 December 2014

aussie pt 8 - gold coast surfers paraside & paradise country farm


no change to pay for parking? no biggie!
they have a slot for credit cards

finally. a picture with this sign. lol

crazy moment #3
triple pictures because of the effort to get here

hungry jack's are the burger kings of australia
apparently because the name 'burger king' is taken

paradise country farm:
where we finally got to see some animals

is this an alpaca?

lazy kangaroo
can imagine him saying 'how you doin'?'

a kangaroo with some dignity

that is your sweater wrapped on a lamb

got a pic with koala!
(this costs AUD 22!)

did you know kangaroo eat tree barks?
now i do

an emo emu

sleeping koalas are the cutest
they look like us trying our best to hold on to our blanket


this is when they show us how they make billy teas on campsites

a horse-riding show
impressive part is when they show us how they crack a whip and throw boomerangs


how they control sheep using a dog

milking cows

shearing sheep

dah togel, off you go

colour-separated m&ms
the OCD in me is pleased

this shop is called charlie and the chocolate factory

oh this tempts me so badly

waste and recycle bins are always together, so good

ben & jerry's tempts me badly
halal ke tak eh?

this ride.. ughhh

brisbane river

this guy stayed in bali for two years
opened a bar right on the kuta beach
so he can speak indonesian and greeted me with an 'apa khabar?'
and we talked for a bit
this excites me to no end lol

so early this morning we went to surfers paradise (again)
took pictures with the sign, finally
roxy outlet is still closed, it was only 7.30 am when we get there
(equivalent to our 9.30 am here, i guess)
couldn't wait, so off we go again
no roxy clothes for me :(

we spent around 4 hours in paradise country farm:
they have many shows there.
we took pictures with the animals:
horses, goats, chicks, lambs, even piglets
sheep, kangaroos, koalas, emus, alpaca?
there were also dingoes (a kind of dog) but we didn't go there

among the demonstrations:
billy tea making, and they also showed us how they made a cake using the campfire!
(we got to taste the cake and tea after)
after that we rushed over to see the stock horses
these horses are still used as working horse by stockmen
and after that they show us how they crack whips,
throw boomerangs (and try to catch them),
using a dog to control sheep,
milking a cow,
and finally sheep shearing.
i was very excited about sheep shearing,
i hope i can do it myself someday..
lots learned there, very educational and entertaining for first-timers like us.

paradise country farm is only 5 minutes away from movie world,
so i made a plea to my dad:
can we go in the movie world again pleaseee
since i was lacking pictures yesterday lol.
so yes, we went back there again
took pictures, shop for a bit,
took a video of the other batman ride
bought another coke freeze
and off we go again

after that we made an hour journey to brisbane to drop off the motorhome
took a car and drove back to gold coast's coolangatta airport
(i swear, australian names are weird: there's a place called woolloomooloo in NSW)

i think that concludes my australia journey.
oh i love the country,
must. visit. again!
i will probably focus on cities like melbourne and sydney
or maybe, the island of tasmania.
who knows

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