Tuesday 21 February 2017

tokyo #14 - mt fuji & lake kawaguchiko

finally, getting up close & personal with the majestic fuji!
at this point i've already given up on blue sky.
grey sky is more dramatic anyways :P

snow-capped mountain

misty view from a viewing platform

we only managed to get to the 4th station, as the road to 5th station (the highest point that you can get to with a vehicle, i think) was closed.

muka give up ramai tourist cina tolak menolak hmph

ini pun nak jual ke beb, kapitalis betul

our group. takeover jadi co-driver sebab co-driver yg asal dah penat haha

lake kawaguchiko in late evening

those cute tiny shrubs

flowers everywhere

btw, we ate sardin that got almost frozen due to the cold weather haha.
sardin sejuk dan nasi beku pun bedal, sebab dah lapar sangat.

i so wish the sky would've cleared up by now T.T

the dog's name is natsu. he's sooo cuteeee

nak ambik gambar but so afraid hahaha

and sakura was blooming here!

so prettyyy

ni gambar propa namanya

bye fuji, till we meet again, don't know when T.T

sooo in love with that pretty fuji figure <3

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