Thursday 2 March 2017

tokyo #15 - roppongi & shinjuku gyoen national park

last day in tokyo :(

btw, it has almost been a year since my trip to tokyo o.O
took me soooo long to finish posting this.

my last day was rainy, but i still wanted to go to roppongi
for hard rock cafe shirts and this spider monster!
hugeee spider

only 7 of these spiders in this world

after a quick onigiri brunch, i went to HRC in roppongi.
i think the designs here is a bit... meh, compared to the ones at ueno.
but the shirt in roppongi is written 'tokyo', while the ones at ueno is written 'tokyo-ueno'.

done some shopping at HRC, i was thinking of which park to go.
the nearest one is shinjuku gyoen, so there i went.

sakura gebu is still blooming here

i think this is some sort of a tea house

best. moment. ever.

i went to shibuya crossing again after the park closes,
soaking in the atmosphere and eating my last cup of coffee jelly..
wondering when i'll ever get back here again.

and off i went to airport for the flight home..
bye tokyo, it has been such a pleasure!

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