Tuesday 29 November 2016

tokyo #10 - tokyo camii mosque, shinjuku love statue, & tokyo metropolitan building

i first saw tokyo camii mosque from the pictures in Miasuraya's blog,
and thought it a beautiful place.
when i saw it in person, it was even better.

the stairs leading to wudhu' area downstairs.

Japan's largest mosque in Ottoman style

entrance to the main prayer hall

made of cool stone

entrance to the women's prayer area is a narrow flight of stairs on the top floor
quite scary, but i must say i've seen plenty of narrow stairs in mosques overseas.

the beautiful colours

there was some sort of interview in the main hall

just beautiful

the chandelier deserves a mention. look at that!

stained glass

if you have time, please visit the mosque.
it's located not far away from shinjuku,
in the residential area of yoyogi uehara.

didn't manage to take picture of the mosque from outside,
it was raining when we got here.

japanese being japanese, they queue very properly.

the many luggage lockers you can find at most train stations.

okay the pictures below are from when i was exploring alone around shinjuku.

shinjuku is full of office buildings


the story behind this pic: a japanese guy offered to take my picture.
he spoke flawless english and complimented my camera. he's so nice, it made my day! :D

the love statue located near this big traffic light circle. curious thing, indeed.

looks like a lab to me.

the tokyo metropolitan building

i super love seeing flowers everywhere

cloudy weather, but unique building

so yes, the building is a government building
but the best part of it is that they have TWO observation decks:
the north and south.
and they're also FREE.
heaven to people who can't afford the trip to higher floors of tokyo tower.
of course, i went up to see both observation decks.

that big green area is part of the meiji jingu.

love the clumps of trees between buildings

meiji jingu

sad about the grey cloudy weather, clear skies meant we get to see mount fuji

mt fuji missing in action

stayed until night in the north observation decks to see tokyo lights up at night

shinjuku shopping area

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