Tuesday 29 November 2016

tokyo #12 - hitachi seaside park

warning: lots of pictures of flowers ahead, lol.

finally came the day that we're moving outside of tokyo.
we left quite late this day (don't ask),
so i was really keen on arriving fast and exploring hitachi seaside park.
the journey alone took almost 2 hours,
i think we had less than 2 hours to explore the park.
so sad. still sad.


saw a cow van lol so cuteee

410 yen - about RM 15. affordable.

the flowers in bloom.

i didn't study this map fully because i already know i won't be able to visit all of them.
arrive early, take your time to fully explore this huge park.

near the entrance, it's sort of an amusement park. complete with huge (expensive) ferris wheel ride.

first stop: tulips!

blood red

it's actually quite hard to get a decent picture as the wind was blowing like crazy
it made my tudung go kelepet

case in point.


a big tulip


please believe that this is candid a hahaha

the kind of tulip i loved most

dancing in the sun

they even have a replica of amsterdam's windmills


tulipomania is a real deal.
no matter how many times you've seen tulips 
(okay to be fair - i saw them just once in amsterdam),
you will never get bored of them.

as a side note:
so far i know 5 places you can see tulips:
1) amsterdam
2) tokyo
3) melbourne
4) istanbul
5) singapore, inside the flower dome in gardens by the bay

the most famous one is of course, amsterdam.
i don't think anywhere else can compare.

cute kid playing by himself

a field of nemophila, also known as baby blue eyes

they haven't all bloomed yet, but angle is very important ;P
i probably spent 10 minutes here taking this picture again and again

this is a huge hill with pavements for you to walk around,
around 1 km from here there's also a beach.
very, very cold with wind blowing from the sea.
figuring i don't have time for the beach, i wandered off again.
bye nemophila :(

greeted by bright daffodils

also a pleasant surprise was the daffodils.
many people were lingering around the tulips and baby blue eyes,
they completely missed this.
in fact i was mostly alone here.


just look at that..

it's at this park i figured - hey, i can do a pose from behind!
it looks pretty cool (and has become my signature pose)
and also my tudung doesn't look awful ahaha

also managed to find some leftover sakura <3

mochifuwa pancake, soft and sedappp. only for 100 yen at 7 eleven!

not far away from hitachi,
we went to have dinner at a halal japanese place:
pokok pisang! haha.

the menu. not that cheap haha

my food. big portion, memang kenyang

outside of the place

the next posts are going to take awhile,
i haven't fully gone through mt fuji photos lol.
till then :)

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