Wednesday 16 August 2017

Trying out acids

Sebenarnya aku nak update entri 'Kompilasi Skincare Products dari Korea' tu, tapi I find that the posts are overwhelmingly long lol! So maybe aku akan buat multiple entries for every step. Tengok laa macam mana nanti, kerajinan menaip blog pun memainkan peranan.

Anyway, skincare routine aku dah berubah jugak, makin product-heavy. Sebenarnya aku nak kurangkan bilangan produk yang aku pakai each time tapi malangnya makin bertambah. I don't know why, aku rasa nak apply segala benda kat muka zzz.

Anyway, my latest routine on most days are like this:

TFS Rice Water Bright Cleansing Foam
Missha FTE
Cosrx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence
Klairs Vitamin C Drop
Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum
Mizon Snail Recovery Gel
Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence

TFS Rice Water Bright Cleansing Foam
Missha FTE
Cosrx Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence
Klairs Vitamin C Drop
Missha Time Revolution Ampoule
TFS Chia Seed Moisture Recharge Cream

Once or twice a week
Skinfood Black Sugar Scrub
Innisfree Super Volcanic Clay Mask
Laneige Water Sleeping Mask
Sheet masks

Tbh, my skin is not at its best as of late. Asyik naik whiteheads kat area yang sama - the cheek area near my nose and on my chin. Aku tak tau laa selama ni dia memang selalu ada atau aku je yang baru perasan sebab aku pay so much attention to my skin lately. Anyway, I'm annoyed with them.

Aku tengah in the middle of reshuffling my routine. Nak tukar cleanser & moisturiser, dan nak tambah acids. What are acids, you ask? They are chemical exfoliants commonly known as AHA and BHA, and people also refer to them as 'actives', because they are the main workhorse of your routine.

Sebenarnya dari awal aku dah baca kebaikan acids ni, tapi aku takut gile nak try. Firstly, it is known that chemical exfoliants boleh cause overexfoliation. Kalau kau overexfoliate, senang cerita muka kau akan breakout dan jadi dehydrated, oily, dan teruk gile. Kalau tak berani, memang jangan laa try.

But since aku dah agak geram dengan whiteheads ni, I'm giving these acids a chance. It took me 8 months into my asian skincare journey to finally brace myself to accept acids. In fact I've already bought my first one.

Cosrx AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid. Harga dia RM 62.54 (+ GST) kat Not really cheap, tapi aku rasa dia tahan lama sebab you're not supposed to use them every day, especially not in the beginning.

Aku pilih AHA sebab it helps more with whiteheads (diorang laa kata), tapi ramai yang suka pakai BHA sebab effect dia untuk orang yang kulit berminyak lagi prominent. Kulit aku jenis dry to normal, so lagi laa takut nak try banyak acids sekaligus sobs.

So apa precautions nak ambil bila baru start pakai acid?
Tapering up. Pakai sekali seminggu dulu, then 2x seminggu, then 3x seminggu. Build your tolerance up, sampai laa sekali sehari kalau sanggup (I wouldn't.) Kalau your skin tak boleh tolerate, dial down the use of acids. Kena pay more attention to your skin laa senang cerita.

Plus, kalau pakai AHA, saaaangat important untuk pakai sunscreen waktu siang, since AHA boleh cause photosensitivity. We don't want to get sunburnt pleaseee.

How to apply acids?
pH acids ni memainkan peranan untuk menentukan effectiveness produk tu. Acids ni generally perlu pH yang rendah untuk bertindak. So as I was advised, kalau tak pakai pH adjusting toner - pakai low pH cleanser. Wait 15 mins lepas cuci muka. Sapu acids. Wait 15 more minutes untuk acids tu bertindak. Then baru boleh follow up dengan skincare yang lain.

Like I said. RENYAH.

I don't know why I'm willingly going through this T.T sebab tu aku cakap aku takkan pakai everyday. Maybe just once or twice a week.

Tambahan kepada my first AHA product kat atas tu, aku TERRRbeli benda lain jugak.

Cosrx One Step Pimple Clear Pads, dalam satu bekas tu ada 70 helai pads, harga RM89 kat I know right, mahal gile. Tapi aku beli murah masa promo, satu tu less than RM60 huuuu still mahal nangesss.

Actually this contains a bit of BHA, 1% Betaine Salicylate. Normally BHA products contain about 4% of salicylate. And yes if there are pharmacist geeks out there, our old and much-loved salicylate is a BHA. Nama glemer je niii.

I will definitely not be using this everyday, pakai kalau it's that time of month and aku dah gerammm sangat dengan jerawat yang muncul. Sebab dia mahal sangat wehhh. Sobs.

Anyway, let's hope after this I get the results that I want so that I no longer have to keep wasting money on so many products T.T

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