Aku nak jugak update pasal travels, but I am just so lazy trying to choose pictures to upload! Like seriously, kalau travel posts aku tu usually berangkai maybe about 5 posts minimum, aku akan ambil masa lebih kurang 1-2 jam nak rangka each post - from selecting pictures, uploading them, typing, and proofreading. It takes a lot of timeee.
So, bagi chance laa aku nak story pasal skincare yeee.
Okay, PIH. Dalam bahasa lebih mudah, PIH ni selalunya terjadi bila kulit terluka (inflamed) dan bila kulit ni nak baik semula, warna kat kawasan luka tu akan jadi lebih gelap daripada sekelilingnya. Kalau kena gigit nyamuk pastu gatal pastu garu pun boleh perasan laa kawasan luka tu jadi gelap sikit kannn.
Untuk orang yang concerned tentang kulit muka, PIH ni yang selalunya dimaksudkan sebagai 'parut jerawat' atau 'bekas jerawat'. Actually term parut jerawat tu tak tepat, bekas jerawat tu mungkin lagi tepat. Tapi senang cerita, PIH tak sama dengan acne scar okayy.
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Hasil Google. |
Actually aku tak boleh complain sangat, sebab jerawat aku selalunya datang maybe 1-2 at one time, maximum pun takkan sampai 10 biji at the same time. Tapi PIH ni selalunya stay lagi lama atas muka, which can be frustrating sebab jerawat selalu jugak naik kat pipi, so nampak laa kesan gelap jerawat tu untuk jangkamasa yang agak lama.
What do I do regarding PIH?
The general advice:
Bila ada PIH, WAJIB pakai sunscreen. Cahaya matahari lagi memburukkan keadaan dan lagi menggelapkan PIH. Ni ada scientific evidence okay, refer Medscape (kalau anda pharmacist laa).
I guess these tips boleh apply jugak untuk mereka yang ada jeragat/freckles, tapi yang tu agak susahhhh nak hilang. Yang penting sunscreen okay people!
What else to do with PIH?
1) Things that help with lightening the PIH
I apply Klairs Vitamin C Drops. Content Vitamin C dia tak tinggi pun, 5% LAA je as compared to other topical vitamin C products that can go up to 20%. Lagi tinggi concentration dia, lagi unstable, lagi tinggi exfoliating power dia dan lagi boleh burn, especially untuk mereka yang berkulit sensitif. Aku kalau nampak perkataan 'burn' je aku lari to the other direction.
So far I'm happy with my 5%, aku apply 2x a day. Rasa suam panas bila sapu, tapi so far kulit aku tak irritated, lagipun Klairs promote Vitamin C Drops dia as being very gentle.
Aku guna Vit C jugak untuk ratakan warna kulit, but tbh I don't see a marked improvement on my PIH. Bila dah habis nanti, aku tak rasa aku akan repurchase sebab tak nampak prominent effect (maybe sebab low concentration) plus mahal. Sedih sikit laa, sebab I like the idea of having vitamin C in my routine.
Other things that can help: AHA. Tapi aku baruuu je beli Cosrx AHA tu, so tunggu laa nanti kalau dah pakai baru ku update dalam post ni balik.
2) Things that help with hydration
Moisturiser, opkos. Hydration helps untuk soothe dan heal inflammation, sebab tu kalau orang eczema pun digalakkan untuk sapu pelembap banyak-banyak.
Me, aku guna a few hydrating products - Missha FTE, Cosrx Snail Mucin, dan Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum.
Missha FTE - mahal, and aku tak rasa muka aku glowing bagai pun pakai benda ni. Dia lagi hydrating daripada my old toner, sometimes aku suka pakai dia tapi aku tak rasa it is worth the money.
Cosrx Snail Mucin - consistency produk dia macam hingus. Okay agak menggelikan sikit description tu hahaha tapi dah nama pun mucin kan. Mula-mula aku rasa biasa je produk ni, but it has been growing on me. Aku rasa macam snail mucin ni bantu mempercepat acne healing..? Aku rasa laa. But it adds a level of hydration to my routines, that's for sure.
Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum - this one is like a hydration bomb. I love the smell and everything, siap repurchase produk ni lagi sebab aku rasa price point dia affordable untuk serum. Satu benda je laa, produk ni buat muka aku nampak sticky and shiny and PUCAT lepas pakai, kena tunggu bagi dia absorb baru nampak okay sikit. Atau it might be due to so many layers of products that I apply, I don't know haha.
So these are the things that I do for my PIH. Usually it will take about 2-4 weeks for my PIH to considerably lighten and/or disappear. Sorry laa products macam ni bukan magic, sapu-sapu je terus hilang jerawat/jeragat or terus putih kannn.
If your case of PIH is a bit more severe, maybe boleh jumpa doktor for consultation. There are bleaching/whitening agents, tapi better jumpa doktor laa dulu sebelum try apa-apa okay. Menyesal kemudian tak berguna. Sometimes all you need is a little bit (or maybe a LOT) of patience.
- This is my personal opinion and what I do. According to my reference, PIH can take 6-12 months to get better. If you have serious PIH that never goes away after years, go consult a doctor.
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