Sunday 23 October 2016

tokyo #7 - asakusa

i haven't done much researching prior to leaving to tokyo.
so these are the facts i've known from google :P

asakusa is a district in tokyo,
but most tourists who go here only know about the asakusa sensoji (temple).

this is also THE place to go for souvenirs.
i don't know about cheap, because i think everything in japan is expensive.
but i know this place has got tonnes of varieties of souvenirs.

kaminarimon, one of the gates leading to sensoji

inside of the temple, which is always jam-packed with people

managed to selfie!
you can see the kaminarimon on the left,
and directly behind it is the shopping street

more ume!

this is shin-nakamise shopping street,
which includes a muslim restaurant

the famous melon pan, this is the plastic version
so very tempting but wasn't confident of its halal status, so didn't try it :(

went here with my tour group,
so we were directed first to the restaurant to have our lunch.
because once everyone scattered to find souvenirs,
it'll be impossible to gather everyone back again lol.

lunch at Naritaya.
can try their ramen! pretty good yumms

Naritaya can get pretty packed with people at lunch hour,
so make sure you come early!

tokyo skytree from afar


i guess they get their blessings from here

nakamise shopping street
look at all those people!

from kimono to ninja outfit


an interesting shop

chopsticks, good as souvenirs
but too expensive for me!

feel the japan-ness

this place sells desserts, so cuteee

also you can rent yukata/kimono around here,
there's lots of shops renting them so make sure you survey around

cute girls wearing kimono <3

i didn't shop for souvenirs much due to lack of money lol.
but here is also the place where you can find halal rice crackers - in wasabi! haha.
there's lots going on here, searching for souvenirs will easily consume one hour.
but walk around!
this is a good spot for people watching :D

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